Hilton Morumbi, Sao Paulo
Hotel / Brazil / HBA San Francisco / Completed In 2017
An ultra-modern hub of urban activity, Sao Paulo is a crossroads of cutting edge modernity and artisanal heritage - a place of connection. The newly renovated Hilton Morumbi is an expression of these connections - between the past and the future, the urban and the natural, the indigenous and the foreign. Starting with a minimalist approach, the design incorporates tasteful splashes of color that draw from local artistic flavor to create a distinct sense of place. Sculptural gestures, textured surfaces, and a hint of greenery are combined to achieve a sophisticated yet comfortable vibe, inviting guests to connect with the culture and with one another. Several different screening elements are utilized to help divide spaces while at the same time allowing visibility from one space to the next, creating a sense of curiosity that draws the guest to move through and experience each one. The project includes a full renovation of the lobby, restaurant, cafe, and over 500 guestrooms and suites.